
one is not situated on a pond but despite that it's still offered at 1 125 a night plus a $50 cleaning fee now assuming you had just a

on a blanket and lay in the sun on an afternoon enjoying snacks but the truth is in order to have a picnic you really have to spend all day preparing for the Endeavor what you could do here is offer a simple picnic rental service where you grab the various items needed like a blanket and a basket and Cutlery cups etc for liability reasons I would personally avoid any homemade food

 40% occupancy rate with a three night

 minimum that would mean you would have four different sets of guests staying per month on average well at the 125 nightly rate plus the cleaning fee that would be$ 425 every time you had guests stay and if you did that four times a month based on the occupancy rate you'd be looking at $1,700 per month in revenue generated and of course if you wanted to you could simply reinvest your money into more campers each year allowing you to earn more income from the land so there you have it guys that's going to wrap up my top business ideas going into 2024 

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