are so many tools out there you can hire a developer for your business who's going to build that AI chatbot but instead of building something really heavy weight start utilizing AI chatbots in your industry and if I had to start our business all over again in 2024 the number one thing I would do is hire an AI developer to help me develop the Chad bot that will help people with admissions this Market is expected to grow remarkably at 36% from 2024 to 2030 business idea number 10 anything that's related to
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that they like this color they like this food this is their interest like they gave the app the whole background and because they're Engineers they could kind of make it professionally and so this AI Chad bot replaced cartoons for that kid because now the kid interacts with Chad GPT asks questions but basically what they ask Chad GPT to do is to come up with a bedtime story when parents don't have enough time to come up with a professional you know story to Captivate the kids's interest of course cannot replace uh the child parent interaction but in order to make their free time more productive because for example my kids would just sit down and watch like nasta like crazy what if they could interact with a chatbot that will create stories for them on the go suited for their particular needs these days like okay I'm struggling uh to put my 2-year-old in a separate room she wants to sleep with me in my bed can you come up with a story that will be great for a 2-year-old L likes this this and that can you come up with a story to help her transition into her own room just think about that this app could really help a lot of parents there of course you need to understand kids psychology you need to understand how to build AI but this could be an app with a huge huge huge potential yesterday I returned from Hawaii and when I was exiting San Francisco Airport I finally saw this billboard that I've been waiting for because I'm originally from Russia and in Russia they've been delivering healthy food to airports and uh Railway stations for years now and I finally saw this Uber delivery to Terminal 3 I was like wow okay I need to explore that the thing is and you know how the reality works here in the US you fly economy you fly for 6 hours you get crackers doesn't matter if you're trouble with kids you're left with no food and what we normally do we start cooking food and we have our nanny who helps us with that but not all the families can do that so if you could come up with some kind of project that delivers healthy food to airports because again if you are traveling from I don't know San Jose Airport does it have any healthy food restaurants no it doesn't what I brought to my last flight were slices of papaya uh buckwheat uh what else room cucumbers and uh beef patties because I want to eat healthy on an airplane I
don't want to take a burger
from a local restaurant with bad oils Etc please come up with healthy food delivery to airports black kitchen whatever but that would be a great great business and I think the hardest part in this business will be actually figuring out the delivery uh to the airport because there are certain regulations but again when you start you start small and you figure that out on the go so I think it's I think it's brilliant I would personally use it and by the way the next business idea I am talking about this but I'm so glad remember when I made those videos a couple years ago three years ago I told people like if you sted one of those ideas please reach out because I'm happy to help so someone actually reached out they started a healthy food delivery by local people so they're going to deliver a home-cooked meal to Los altas and the meal is going to .